Hi there, I’m Sebastià Agramunt Puig a software developer based in the Bay Area (California). I grew up in a small mediterranean town not too far from Barcelona where I went to college. I studied Physics at Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona and continued my academic life with a PhD in theoretical electromagnetism in the same university (download dissertation here and find all my peer review publications on ORCID).
My interests are wide but there are always two common denominators, software development and mathematics. I currently work at Eikon Therapeutics as a Senior Software Developer.
The blog
Over the years I’ve been keeping notes about topics I like to learn and have been useful in my professional life. The idea for this blog is to keep a log for myself as well as share with other people that may have similar interests to mine. Please, reach out if you have questions about the contend or find errors in the posts.
Download the detailed CV
Email: contact[@]agramunt[dot]me
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